JBD, Beit haLevi, and Wingate are pleased to invite you to

part of a series of lectures

“The Portrait of Moses”


Rabbi Davey Blackman

Wednesday, 17 February 2016

Lunchtime Lecture 1:00pm


Level 48, 101 Collins Street

Space is limited so RSVP early!

RSVP for catering purposes to events@jbd.org.au by Monday 15th February

Rabbi Blackman studied for more than a decade at Yeshivat Har Etzion, under the famed Rabbi Aharon Lichtenstein. It was there that he developed an amazing breadth and depth of knowledge in vast areas of Jewish learning. He also has a degree in Education and Jewish Philosophy from the University of South Africa. Rabbi Blackman served in leadership roles in Bnei Akiva , South Africa, from his early youth, and also in the crack Givati infantry unit in the Israeli army. He is a husband to Deborah and father of 6 children.
Rabbi Blackman displays a unique blend of mental acuity, integrity and personal warmth, which endears him to one and all. Combined with his dynamic personality and refreshing sense of humour, Rabbi Blackman’s world-class lectures are infused with colour, charisma and creative thought, effectively portraying the relevance, appeal and majesty of Torah for contemporary audiences. Rabbi Blackman is the Rabbi of JLC in Sydney.

Thank you to Beit haLevi and Wingate for hosting and sponsoring this event.


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