JBD is pleased to invite you to a special Yom Yerushalayim breakfast featuring

Akiva Hamilton

“From morally bankrupt to financially bankrupt”

As Israel’s enemies open up new fronts – the BDS, flotillas and flytillas – hear about how Shurat HaDin (Israel Law Centre) is finding innovative ways to fight back.

Friday 18th May 2012

Optional shacharit 7.00am (see below)


Juilliard Group

Level 31, 459 Collins Street, Melbourne

Men and women welcome

RSVP for catering purposes to events@jbd.org.au by COB Wednesday 16th May

This event will also be used to pilot a shacharit minyan in the CBD planned for Fridays during winter months so you can beat the traffic, daven shacharit and have breakfast, and make the most of a short work day. In your RSVP, please advise if you will also come for shacharit at 7am. We will confirm if the minyan will proceed on Thursday.

Akiva (Andrew) Hamilton joined Shurat HaDin after a career as a corporate/ high-tech lawyer. Previously rated as one of Australia’s most inspirational in-house lawyers, Akiva has a history of successful litigation against injustice and has won two cases in the High Court of Australia – one led to a High Court ruling which significantly changed Australia’s legal interpretation of an international convention, and the other led to a landmark Full Federal Court judgment relating to the definition of illegal pyramid selling.

Since joining Shurat HaDin, Akiva has exposed Australia’s largest charity, World Vision, as using AusAID provided taxpayer dollars in Gaza to fund an arm of the proscribed terrorist group the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine. In addition to extensive press coverage, the breach of criminal anti-terror provisions and misuse of taxpayers funds is being investigated at the Federal Police, AusAID and political levels.

Thank you to Juilliard Group for hosting and sponsoring breakfast

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