JBD and AIJAC are pleased to invite you to hear Nitsana Darshan-Leitner
Her topic will be “Counter Terrorism on the Offensive

Lunch and refreshment will be provided
Men and women welcome

RSVP for catering purposes events@jbd.org.au

Level 42, 101 Collins St

Nitsana Darshan-Leitner is an Israeli lawyer, human rights activist and founder of Shurat Hadin Israeli Law Center. She is known for her legal activism, especially campaigns to sue terror organizations and terrorists on behalf of victims. She recently instituted proceedings against Jimmy Carter alleging one of his books on Israel intended to deceive the public and promote anti-Israel agenda.

Nitsana is in Australia as a guest of AIJAC, and she will be delivering the Gini & Hans Bachrach memorial oration co-sponsored by AIJAC and JCT that Monday evening, 8pm at Caulfield Synagogue Sukiert Hall. All welcome; admission free; supper will follow the oration. Enquiries phone AIJAC 9681 6660.

Nitsana talked about some of her experiences fighting terrorism on a different front – the courtroom. She has filed claim against perpetrators of terror attacks on behalf of the victims, and has achieved many judgements, and has drastically limited the use of global banking systems by the PA, Hamas, and other state sponsors of terrorism.

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