Times: Candlelighting for Sukkot is Wednesday evening 19th at 5:55pm; Thursday evening 20th not before 6:53pm; Friday evening 21st at 5:56pm; Shabbat ends 22nd 6:54pm. Don’t forget to make an Eruv Tavshillin before the first and second days of Sukkot. Candlelighting for Shmini Atzeret is Wednesday evening 25th at 6:01pm; Thursday evening for Simchat Torah 26th not before 6:59pm; Friday evening 27th at 6:03pm; Shabbat ends 28th 7:00pm. Weekly Torah Portion for the 28th September is Bereisheet.

Chol Hamoed Sukkot in the CBD: The following sukkot are open to the public during Chol Hamoed.

459 Collins Street, Melbourne (cnr Williams Street) Open Mon-Wed 12:00pm-2:00pm; Mincha 1:00pm on the roof. Entry via level 30 (then follow the signs). Other times by appointment Phone 9613 9999

Level 5, 250 Queen Street, Melbourne (cnr Lonsdale Street) Open Mon-Wed 9:00am-3:00pm Contact Rabbi B. Serebryanski 0419 876 304

East Melbourne Shule, 488 Albert Street, East Melbourne Open Mon-Wed 11:00am-4:00pm Contact Rabbi Gutnick 0430 384 948

Teller Automotive Group; 11 Munro Street, Port Melbourne (near cnr Ingles Street) BBQ Lunch Mon-Wed from 2:00pm-2:00pm Phone 9676 9999

Herzog Group; 196 Normanby Road, Southbank; Sukkah at rear (access from Munro Street) BBQ Lunch Mon-Wed from 12:00pm-2:00pm

Mincha in the CBD: JBD mincha minyan continues (Monday 23rd & Tuesday 24th September) at 1:00pm ON THE ROOF. All regular mincha times will resume on Mon 30th September.

Study: Mon 12.30 @ East Melb Shule; The Wednesday Shiur will resume on October 2nd.

Kosher Food in the CBD: GOLD’S GOURMET are supplying delicious sandwiches to the following THREE outlets in the CBD:
Pronto on Flinders @ Ground Level, 335 Flinders Lane
CBW Express- CGU Building @ 181 William St.
Cityblend Café @ 365 Little Collins St.

Thought of the Week with thanks to Noach Klug. Did you ever wonder to yourself, what is the connection between Shemini Atzeres and Simchas Torah, which are one right after the other in the Disapora and on the same day in Israel, thereby indicating some type of close connection? As is known, Shemini Atzeres is about our special connection to Hashem as His treasured nation. The 70 bulls that were brought as sacrifices during the first 7 days of Sukkos, corresponding to the 70 gentile ‘nations’. So the non-Jews as well as Jews have a portion in the first 7 days of Sukkos. But on the 8th day, Hashem “detains / holds on to” His Jews for an extra day (“atzeres” literally means “detain”) and is like a king who throws a big 7 day feast for everyone and then at the end begs his sons to stay for just one more day because he loves them so much.

Obviously, Simchas Torah is about our special connection to Torah.  We dance with the Sifrei Torah, clutching them tightly with love. We also show our love and closeness to Torah by starting right over and jumping right in to Parshas Bereishis immediately after finishing with V’zos Ha’bracha, as if we just can’t get enough.
Rabbi Pinchas Winston says that the connection between Shemini Atzeres and Simchas Torah is explained by an oft-quoted passage in the Zohar – “Yisroel v’Oraisa Kaddisha B’richu chad hu” – the Jews, Torah, and Hashem are one.  This is the lesson of Shemini Atzeres followed immediately by Simchas Torah – teaching us, Hashem’s Yidden, to always stay connected to Hashem and His Torah because this is the natural course of the world – for these three entities to always be connected.
How do we do this on a practical level?  We have prayers to maintain our connection to Hashem and study to stay connected to Hashem’s Torah. May we all grow in our kavanah b’tefillah, our dedication to tefillah b’tzibur, and our shteiging with regular times for Torah study. This will allow us to “snap back” to the normal, natural course of the world and live the maxim of the Zohar – “Yisroel v’Oraisa Kaddisha B’richu Chad Hu” (which conveniently is a traditional Simchas Torah song to remind us of this important concept).
Wishing all of my JBD friends a gut kvittel and a gut g’bencht yar with aliyos b’ruchnius and b’gashmius!

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