Times: Candlelighting is Friday 8:06pm; Shabbat ends Saturday 9:11pm. Early Shabbat times – Mincha: 6:15pm; Candlelighting: Light Chanukah candles after 6:54pm then light Shabbat candles. The weekly Torah Portion is Miketz/Chanukah. Rosh Chodesh Teves is on Tues & Wed; last day of Chanukah is Thurs 5th December.

Upcoming Events: Fifth day of Chanukah – Mon 2 Dec 12.45pm-2.00pm
JBD and East Melbourne Hebrew Congregation invite you to a Chanukah Party with doughnuts, hot latkes, and cold beer at Cornwall Stoddart – Level 10, 114 Williams Street.
RSVP by COB TODAY for catering purposes to events@jbd.org.au 

Mincha in the CBD: Special Chanukah mincha today at ABL at 1.45pm, and due to popular demand will continue next week at 1.50pm at our usual venue for as long as we still get numbers.

Study: Mon 12.30 @ East Melb Shule; Wed 12.30 Special @ Billing Bureau.

Kosher Food in the CBD: OLD’S GOURMET are supplying delicious sandwiches to the following THREE outlets in the CBD:
-Pronto on Flinders @ Ground Level, 335 Flinders Lane
-CBW Express- CGU Building @ 181 William St.
CBW Express has arguably the largest range of fresh and packaged kosher products in the CBD!
-Cityblend Café @ 365 Little Collins St.

Thought of the Week with thanks to Geoff Bloch. In last week’s Torah reading, Yosef interpreted the dreams of Pharoah’s butler and baker. This week, in Miketz, Yosef interprets Pharoah’s dreams of cows and corn, fat and thin. In each case, Yosef takes no personal credit but ascribes credit for the dreams’ interpretation to Hashem alone. On the other hand, Yosef did not just sit back and wait for history to unfold according to a divinely ordained plan. Instead, Yosef was proactive in securing his release and playing his part in Jewish history. Our Rabbis teach us that although there is a tension between accepting that our fate is dependent on Hashem’s good graces on the one hand and forging our own destiny on the other, there is, in fact, room for both. We must not live our lives as spectators. We must seize the initiative and be the authors of our own destiny, but always doing so l’shem shamayim and with hakarat hatov to Hashem for the good things life brings us.

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