Times: Candlelighting is Friday 5:14pm; Shabbat ends Saturday 6:14pm. The weekly Torah Portion is Devarim – Shabbat Chazon. The fast of Tisha B’av starts Monday night; Fast begins 5:35pm; Fast ends Tuesday 6:04pm.

Mincha in the CBD: Mincha continues at our usual location at Level 5 South, 459 Collins St, at 1.00pm Mon-Thurs.

Assuming Tisha b’Av takes place on Tuesday, there will be a special Mincha minyan at 1pm with Sefer Torah starting with the omitted parts of shacharis. Maariv minyan at 6:04pm with refreshments to break the fast.
On Wednesday, our regular shiur will feature a delicious meat lunch from Daneli’s to mark the end of the Nine Days.

Study: Mon 12.30 @ East Melb Shule; Wed 1.15 @ Billing Bureau.

Kosher Food in the CBD: Kosher sandwiches and snacks provided by Sidewalk Cafe under Kosher Australia hashgacha are available at the following locations:
-CBW Express- 181 William Street (Open late until 9pm)
-Pronto on Flinders – 335 Flinders Lane
Kosher sandwiches and snacks delivered daily to the CBD.
SANDWICHES: egg mayonnaise and tomato, tuna mayonnaise and pickles, smoked salmon and herbed cream cheese, crisp lettuce, sliced cheese, tomato, cucumber and salad. SNACKS: natural berry yogurt with oat cluster crumble, fresh fruit salad, mixed berry muffin

Thought of the Week with thanks to David Prins. In the book of Devarim, Moshe recounts the journeys of the Jewish people in the desert since their exodus from Egypt. As they neared the Promised Land, they encountered their new neighbours for the first time, and got their first lessons in international relations and the politics of the Middle East that apply to a Jewish State.

In Parashat Ki Teitzei, Moshe recalls that the Ammonites and Moabites did not greet the Jewish people with bread and water, and they hired Balaam to curse them. People can go hungry without the basics for human living, but still find money to seek to destroy a peaceful nation. Just this week, it was reported that the amount of cement poured into tunnels to support terrorism could have built four modern hospitals, 20 schools or 100 kindergartens. Some people’s priorities have not changed over thousands of years.

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