Mazel Tov to Rivka & Joel Fixler (née: Sweet) on the birth of their daughter, Dalia Sarah. Mazel tov to the grandparents Jeff & Sally Sweet (Chicago) and Robert & Janie Fixler (Melb).

Times: Shabbat starts Friday night with Candlelighting at 7:35pm; Shabbat ends Saturday night at 8:36pm. The weekly torah portion is Lech Lecha.

Upcoming Events: Monday, 10th of November: A lunchtime lecture with Rav Amnon Barak:12:45pm at Arnold Bloch Leibler, Level 21, 333 Collins Street, Melbourne. Limited spaces available so please RSVP to guarantee your spot to by COB Wednesday, 5th November.

Mincha in the CBD: Mincha continues Mon-Fri 1.45pm for summer season at least until the end of November. SMS system used for “kugel Friday” to confirm numbers. No mincha on Tuesday, 4th of November due to Melbourne Cup Day.

Study: Mon 12.30 @ East Melb Shule;
Wed 1.15 @ Billing Bureau

Kosher Food in the CBD: NEW!!! Nifla Kosher Catering is proud to offer Corporate Catering, specializing in individual and board room lunches. With a broad range to select from, we deliver direct to your door. No orders too big or too small. For further details visit
Kosher sandwiches, muffins and salads are available to city fringe-workers at the café located in the Lowe Lipman building: In a Rush –  616 St Kilda Rd, Melbourne Other outlets to follow (KA Hechsher)

Kosher sandwiches and snacks provided by Sidewalk Cafe under Kosher Australia hashgacha are available at the following locations:
-CBW Express- 181 William Street (Open late until 9pm)
Kosher sandwiches and snacks delivered daily to the CBD.
SANDWICHES: egg mayonnaise and tomato, tuna mayonnaise and pickles, smoked salmon and herbed cream cheese, crisp lettuce, sliced cheese, tomato, cucumber and salad. SNACKS: natural berry yogurt with oat cluster crumble, fresh fruit salad, mixed berry muffin

Thought of the Week with thanks to Rabbi Leon AnafBereishit verse 12:2 states ”And I will make you into a great nation”. The word “great” may be interpreted either as greatness in number or greatness in stature. According to the Brisker Rav, when G-d told Avraham that he would become a great nation, it must have been the second of these two meanings, for it was impossible for Avraham himself to achieve greatness in numbers. Avraham did reach prominence in his new land that he himself achieved the status of being considered ”a great (prestigious) nation”.

In the Haggadah the same thought is expressed. The Torah’s phrase “And Israel became a great nation”, the Haggadah comments “This teaches that the people of Israel were distinguished in Egypt, interpreting the word “great” as referring to prestige and not to numerousness.

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