Times: Shabbat starts Friday night with candlelighting at 7:50pm; Shabbat ends Saturday night at 8:53pm. The weekly Torah portion is Chayei Sarah.

Past Events: On Monday, we had a great turnout for the lunchtime lecture with Rav Amnon Bazak “Who really compiled and edited the Torah? Understanding and dispelling the “documentary hypothesis”. To listen to the speech click here.
The meditation mini-series over the last two weeks went well. We will be launching a full series in Feb, so stay tuned.

Mincha in the CBD: Mincha continues on Mon-Thu at 1.45pm for summer season at least until the end of November.

Study: Mon 12.30 @ East Melb Shule;
Wed 1.15 @ Billing Bureau

Kosher Food in the CBD: NEW!!! Nifla Kosher Catering (KA Hechsher)
is proud to offer Corporate Catering, specializing in individual and board room lunches. For further details visit www.nifla.com.au
Kosher sandwiches, muffins and salads are available at the following locations:
-Lowe Lipman building- In a Rush –  616 St Kilda Rd
-Toby’s Estate in Flinders Lane -325 Flinders Lane
-Cupp-220 Collins Street (in the Manchester Unity building)
Mediterranean Roasted Vegetable Sandwiches, Salmon and Salad Bagels, Continental Cheese and Tomato sandwiches, and Sushi Platters

Sidewalk Cafe (KA Hechsher)
Kosher sandwiches and snacks are available at the following locations:
-CBW Express- 181 William Street (Open late until 9pm)
-Pronto on Flinders – 335 Flinders Lane
Kosher sandwiches and snacks delivered daily to the CBD.
SANDWICHES: egg mayonnaise and tomato, tuna mayonnaise and pickles, smoked salmon and herbed cream cheese, crisp lettuce, sliced cheese, tomato, cucumber and salad. SNACKS: natural berry yogurt with oat cluster crumble, fresh fruit salad, mixed berry muffin

Thought of the Week with thanks to Avi TelekiWe all know that real estate is not cheap and in this week’s parsha, we see the extent of how expensive one of the most sought-after pieces of land is worth. After Sarah passes away, Avraham looks for a suitable burial plot and sets his sight on Ma’arat haMachpelah. Although he was offered the land for free, nonetheless he insists on purchasing it and the agreed amount is 400 silver shekels. The Pa’aneach Raza suggests the reason for this amount is because 75,000 square amos is worth 50 shekel, thus Avraham bought 600,000 square amos. He concludes that this corresponds to the entire Jewish people, as we know that our nation consists of 600,000 souls. We all have an inheritance in the Land of Israel and may we see, especially now more than ever, our claim to our land recognised together with the coming of Moshiach.

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