Times: Shabbat starts tonight with candlelighting at 6:58pm, ends Saturday night at 7:53pm. Early Shabbat candle lighting is between 6:00pm-6:05pm. The weekly Torah portion is Vayikra. Move the clock one hour back on Saturday night to end DST

Mincha in the CBD: Today (31/3) Mincha is at 1.54pm (whicky and kugel from 1.40pm) using the SMS system. Starting Monday (3/4) Mincha will be at the new time of 1:00pm.

Study: Wednesday shiur & lunch is on Wednesday at about 1.15pm at Billing Bureau, following mincha.

Kosher Food in the CBD: Nifla Kosher Catering (KA Hechsher)
Offers Corporate Catering, specialising in individual and board room  lunches.
10% Discount on your first website purchase. Enter promo code “FIRST TIME”. For further details visit www.nifla.com.au

New Stockist- PRONTO ON FLINDERS– 335 Flinders Lane, Melbourne.
Tel. 96297724 stocking sandwiches and pastas.
New Stockist- CBW Express – Corner Little Bourke and William Streets Melbourne.
Tel. 96421491-stocking sandwiches, bagels , muffins and fruits salads.

Thought of the Week with thanks to  Avi Gordon. This week’s Torah reading begins with the unusual opening of “And He called to Moshe, and G-d spoke to him … saying”. The first phrase seems to be redundant. If we are told that G-d spoke to Moses, why say in addition, “And He called”? Rashi explains that every time G-d spoke with Moshe, it was always preceded by G-d calling him by name. In other words, “calling” is an expression of endearment.

While that all sounds well, – how in fact is this an act of endearment?

The answer is that there is no greater feeling to man that the sense of leading a life of meaning and purpose. By G-d calling to Moshe, G-d was giving Moshe the greatest gift – a clear, specific role and purpose for Moshe to fulfil. This is the act of endearment.

In reality G-d has given each of us our own unique mission and role in this world. Determining our role, hearing our own personal “Vayikra” and then following it to the best of our abilities is a mighty challenge, but also the thing which will bring most meaning and fulfilment to our lives.
Based upon the works of Rabbi J Sacks.

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