Times: Shabbat starts tonight with candlelighting at 5:01pm, ends Saturday night at 6:02pm. The weekly Torah portion is Pinchas.

Mincha in the CBD: Mincha continues at 1:00pm at 459 Collins using the SMS system as a reminder.

Study: Wednesday shiur & lunch is on Wednesday at about 1.15pm at Billing Bureau, following mincha.

Kosher Food in the CBD: Unfortunately, due to lack of demand there is no longer kosher food being sold in the CBD. Glicks, we want you back!!

Thought of the Week with thanks to Yudi New. As his end drew closer, Moshe was solely concerned with ensuring that G-d would appoint a suitable replacement to lead the Children of Israel.  He calls upon G-d to appoint “a man over the assembly”.   The Holy Kotzker Rebbe teaches us that Moshe saw G-d praising Pinchas’ zealotry which made him a candidate for the leadership.  However, despite Pinchas’ righteousness, Moshe understood that a single dimensional zealot with no tolerance for sinners could not be entrusted with the leadership. So, Moshe requested G-d to replace him with a leader who could empathise with and tolerate each and every member of the “assembly”.  Nevertheless, says the Degel Machne Ephraim, Moshe also appreciated that his replacement must lead “over” the people and not be influenced by them and their whims. Contrast this with the Jews’ request to Samuel to “Give us a king” i.e. a leader who would be beholden and belong to the people.  As we find ourselves in the ‘three weeks’ of mourning and a period in history where our leadership vacuum is particularly stark, may we merit to the ultimate leadership of Moshiach speedily in our days.

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