JBD is pleased to invite you to a lunchtime lecture with

Arnold Roth

“Cognitive warfare: if we barely know it exists, how do we win?”
Cognitive warfare is the art of turning your own people into patriots and your enemies’ into pacifists, the art of breaking your chosen enemy’s will to fight, of getting your target to choose not to fight. At its finest, it is the art of getting your enemy to surrender without a fight.

Monday 26th November 2012

Thomsons Lawyers
Level 39, Rialto South Tower, 525 Collins Street, Melbourne

Mincha will follow at 1:45pm
Men and women welcome

RSVP for catering purposes to events@jbd.org.au by COB Thursday 22nd November

Australian born Arnold Roth and his wife Frimet immigrated to Israel in 1988. The life of the eldest of the Roths’ daughters, Malki, was cut tragically short in a bombing massacre at Jerusalem’s Sbarro restaurant in 2001. Since her murder, Frimet and Arnold Roth have immersed themselves in researching, writing and speaking about terror. As a memorial to their daughter’s life, they established Keren Malki, the Malki Foundation, in September 2001, which provides support to thousands of Israeli families who choose to care at home for their special-needs child. Arnold frequently writes and speaks about terrorism and its impact. He has been an invited speaker at the United Nations and the European Parliament, and has met with senior political leaders in many countries. His opinion articles and interviews have appeared in numerous publications and syndication networks.

Thank you to Thomsons Lawyers for hosting and sponsoring lunch.

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