JBD are pleased to welcome Rabbi Aryeh Citron to a lunchtime lecture on

“Dispelling Halachic Myths”

Warning: This class may debunk age old “”traditions””
Why do Jews bury cutlery?
Gentiles at a Seder
Should Jews believe in omens?

Thursday 4th August 2011

12:15pm – 1:15pm
Mincha will follow the lecture promptly at 1.15pm

101 Collins Street, Melbourne

There will be a small siyum on a masechta of mishnayos before the lecture.

Lunch and refreshments will be provided
Men and women welcome

RSVP for catering purposes to events@jbd.org.au by COB Tuesday 2nd August

Aryeh Citron was born in California and learned in Yeshivahs around the world before recieving his Smicha in Melbourne Australia. He lives in Miami where he teaches Torah to Jews of all ages. He recently authored a book called “”The Practical Parsha”” Weekly Halacha for Daily Living.


Rabbi Citron will be selling and signing his book “The Practical Parsha” after the lecture. It is also available at Golds Bookstore.


Thank you to Freehills for hosting the event and to our lunch sponsor.


Listen to the lecture here



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